2024 Spiritual Journey to the Holy Land with Alonzo Gaskill

Dates May 16-26, 2024
Destination Tel Aviv; Caesarea; Galilee; Mt. Tabor; Qumran; Bethlehem; Jerusalem;
Duration 11 days 10 nights
Price From N/A

Religious Focus:


Activity Level:

We invite you to join acclaimed author and Professor of Church history and doctrine Dr. Alonzo L. Gaskill on this exciting and in-depth Holy Land tour. This is an itinerary that you may not have seen offered before because in addition to seeing all the inspirational and historic sites you would want to see on a visit to the Holy Land, we are taking you to some places we find fun and unforgettable–places that most tour groups don’t get to go. After so much time in the Holy Land, we found some things we think are “not-to-be-missed” that most miss. 

*Please note, due to the nature of this tour, you must be able to climb stairs and walk unassisted at a moderate pace. You will walk an average of 4-6 miles each day. The days are full of touring from breakfast to dinner time with "down time" only in the evening.

Highlights of the Tour:

  • 1 tour-bus experience for the whole tour!
  • Morris Murdock LDS tour Director for the whole trip along with local guides
  • VERY INCLUSIVE cost - Tour, transportation, tips for Israel guide and driver, taxes, 2 meals daily+
  • Licensed, insured, and bonded travel agency with 65 years of experience!! IT MATTERS!

We offer A CASH DISCOUNT of $75.00 on this tour. It applies for all payments made by check or ACH AFTER the deposit, and only the deposit amount is paid by credit card.

Tour ID - 9224E17

To Book This Tour, Contact your favorite Morris Columbus Travel advisor or the Group Tour Manager listed below:

Questions? Contact:

Dani Edmunds, Tour Manager
Tel: (801) 483-6114
Email Dani

Day 1: Thursday, May 16, 2024
Day 1: Thursday, May 16, 2024

Depart the USA

Meals : In-flight
Day 2: Friday, May 17, 2024
Day 2: Friday, May 17, 2024

Arrive in Tel Aviv - Welcome Dinner

Arrive in Tel Aviv. Transfer to the hotel. Tonight will be our “Welcome to Israel” meeting to go over the itinerary and meet everyone in the group.

Meals : Dinner, In-flight
Day 3: Saturday, May 18, 2024
Day 3: Saturday, May 18, 2024

Caesarea - Mt. Carmel - Megiddo - Nazareth

Today we travel to Caesarea and recall the story of Paul preaching to King Agrippa. Not far away, the road rises to Muhraqa (Mt. Carmel), the site of the prophet Elijah’s contest with the priests of Baal. After a lunch stop at a local Druze Restaurant, we head to Megiddo. We continue to Nazareth, the town where Jesus Christ “grew and waxed strong in spirit…” In Nazareth, we explore the Church of the Annunciation, St. Joseph’s carpentry shop, and The Synagogue Church. Our last stop is Mt. Precipice, where, in addition to enjoying the spectacular view, we discuss the transfiguration. We end our day at our hotel by the shores of Galilee, our home for the next three nights.  

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 4: Sunday, May 19, 2024
Day 4: Sunday, May 19, 2024

Valley of the Doves - Magdala - Sea of Galilee - Tel Dan - Caesarea Philippi

This morning we walk a short distance in the Valley of the Doves to experience the route Jesus would have taken from Nazareth to the Sea of Galilee. We then visit the Magdala Center where we explore a 1st century synagogue. On the Sea of Galilee, we board a replica of an ancient fishing boat and then enjoy a delicious lunch of St. Peter’s Fish. This afternoon we pass Tel Hazor and Tel Dan on our way to the Banias Waterfall. Our lunch stop will be at a unique Lebanese restaurant near the gate into Caesarea Philippi. After lunch, we enter Caesarea Philippi, where the Savior asked his disciples, “Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?” We then drive to Mt. Bental which offers a gorgeous and sweeping view north to Mt. Hermon and the road to Damascus. We drive by Bethsaida—home of Peter, Phillip, and Andrew before returning to our hotel. After dinner, we enjoy an inspiring devotional.

Meals : Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Day 5: Monday, May 20, 2024
Day 5: Monday, May 20, 2024

Mount of Beatitudes - Tabgha - Primacy of Peter - Capernaum - Bet She'an

Our first stop is the Mount of Beatitudes. Hear again the words of the “Sermon on the Mount.” We then visit Tabgha, the church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes, and view a 5th Century Byzantine mosaic floor.  Next is the Church of the Primacy of Peter followed by Capernaum—where Jesus lived and recruited His future apostles. This afternoon we arrive at the beautiful ruins of Bet She'an where King Saul and his sons were hung from the walls.

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 6: Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Day 6: Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Bethabara - Qumran - Dead Sea - Jerusalem

Our day begins as we journey to see the traditional baptismal site on the Jordan River. We then continue on to Masada and take the aerial tram up to Herod’s mighty fortress. Following lunch on our own, we visit the caves of Qumran where the precious Dead Sea Scrolls were found. While at the Dead Sea, you cannot miss the opportunity to enjoy a dip in the buoyant waters and bathe in the wonderful medicinal mud!  Next, we drive to Jerusalem (the city of gold), where we check in to our hotel for the rest of our nights in Israel. 

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 7: Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Day 7: Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Bethlehem - Church of the Nativity - Israel Museum

Today we drive to the little town of Bethlehem. First, we spend some time in the shepherd’s field as we contemplate the events that took place near there so many years ago. Next, we visit the Church of the Nativity to remember the birth of Christ. We enjoy a unique lunch in a Bedouin tent restaurant overlooking the shepherds’ field. After lunch, we discover the treasures of the Israel Museum. First, we see the Holy Land Model, a unique scale model of Jerusalem as it was at the time of Christ. We then visit the Shrine of the Book, the site chosen to house the priceless Dead Sea Scrolls. We end our visit exploring the fascinating Israeli artifacts housed in the museum.  Dinner followed by an opportunity to explore on our own.

Meals : Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Day 8: Thursday, May 23, 2024
Day 8: Thursday, May 23, 2024

Temple Mount - Pool of Bethesda - Via Dolorosa - Last Supper Room - House of Caiaphas

Our first stop of the day is the Temple Mount to see the Muslim Mosque and Muslim shrine—Dome of the Rock. Next, we experience the incredible acoustics of St. Ann Church. At the Pool of Bethesda, we marvel once again at Christ’s miracles. In the Old City, we will see the area where the Antonia Fortress once stood and where Christ was scourged. We then walk the Via Dolorosa to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. After a break for lunch and/or shopping, we walk by Hezekiah’s “Broad Wall” and then head to the Room of the Last Supper to recall the poignant last moments of Christ with His beloved disciples. Our next stop is the House of Caiaphas where Jesus was imprisoned before His final day in mortality. 

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 9: Friday, May 24, 2024
Day 9: Friday, May 24, 2024

Davidson Center Archaeological Park - Sifting Project - Western Wall - Hezekiah's Tunnel

This morning we get our hands in the dirt as we have a special opportunity to participate in a sifting project of dirt taken from under the Dome of the Rock or the City of David. Here we can find a bone, pottery, and possibly an ancient coin!  Next, we visit the amazing Jerusalem Archaeological Park, we see the ancient southern steps leading to the temple mount that Christ must have tread. From here we visit the Western Wall.  The Western Wall, also known as the “Wailing Wall” or the “Kotel”, is the most religious site in the world for the Jewish people. Our last stop will be at the City of David to explore the ancient waterway of Hezekiah’s Tunnel! When Jerusalem was preparing defenses against the approaching Assyrian army in the 8th century B.C.E., King Hezekiah decided to protect the water source by diverting its flow deep into the city with an impressive tunnel system. This engineering feat was accomplished by digging a 1,750-foot tunnel into the mountain we can explore today. Tonight, will be free time for shopping and exploring the Old City.

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 10: Saturday, May 25, 2024
Day 10: Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sacrament Services at the BYU Jerusalem Center - Mount of Olives - Gethsemane -Garden Tomb

This morning we travel up Mount Scopus to attend sacrament services at the BYU Jerusalem Center.  Following lunch, we stop at the Mount of Olives overlook for an excellent panoramic view of the incredible city.  Next we visit to the Garden of Gethsemane (and Orson Hyde Park if you want to walk UP the hill) and the Church of All Nations. Here we walk among ancient olive trees and feel the spirit of that sacred area. Our final stop is the beautiful Garden Tomb, believed by some to be the site of Jesus’ burial. Next to the Garden, there is a limestone hill that many revere as Golgotha, the site of the crucifixion. 

After our farewell dinner, we transfer to the airport for our return flights to the USA

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 11, Sunday, May 26, 2024
Day 11, Sunday, May 26, 2024

Arrive Home

Welcome Home!!

Meals : In-flight

Highlights of the Tour:

  • 1 tour-bus experience for the whole tour!
  • Morris Murdock LDS tour Director on for the whole trip along with local guides
  • VERY INCLUSIVE rate -Tour, transportation, Tips & taxes, breakfast & dinner daily - All you pay for is lunches & souvenirs! 
  • Licensed,  insured, and bonded travel agency with 65 years of experience!!  IT MATTERS!


  • Tour Director/Historian Alonzo Gaskilll
  • Meals as indicated on the itinerary
  • Accommodations in 4/5 star hotels 
  • Entrance fees and all activities in the itinerary
  • Bilingual licensed Israeli tour guide throughout the tour
  • Airport and hotel porterage- 1 bag per
  • Group airport transfers when times align with group arrival and departure times (notified after booking)
  • Tips and gratuities for local guides, drivers, and restaurants where meals are provided
  • Whisper technology headsets on tour
  • Transfers via deluxe air-conditioned motor coaches
  • Destination and study guide material
  • Travel bag and document 

Price does not include:

  • Round-trip air from your home city
  • Additional transfers when not arriving or departing with group
  • Items of a personal nature
  • Travel Insurance 
  • Meals not specified in the itinerary
  • Gratuities for Morris Murdock Tour Director

Optional Pricing:

  • Single Occupancy $4204
  • Double Occupancy  $3199
  • Triple Rate same as double
  • Cash Discount $75 per person * See conditions to qualify for discount

Payment Terms:

  • $500 deposit due at the time of booking
  • Final payment due February 16, 2024
  • Read our Terms & Conditions